拼音:chuán yuán英文解釋:
crew; sailor; seafarer; seaman; shipman【法】 sailor
(1) ∶輪船上工作的人員(2) ∶管理、使用船隻或在其上工作的人(3) ∶船上... >>查看“船員”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.crew 2.mariner 3.smacksman 4.bargeman 5.keelboatman 6.crewmate 7.tarpaulin中英例句:
- 船員被直升飛機(從遇難的船中)救出。The crew were taken off (the wrecked vessel) by helicopter.
- 乘客及船員都被多佛爾的救生艇救出。The passengers and crew were brought off by the Dover lifeboat.
- 船員奪船未遂,均以叛亂罪被槍決。The crew tried to seize control of the ship, and were shot for mutiny.
- 需要有人來做救生艇的船員。Men are needed to crew the lifeboat.
- 這船上除高級船員外,有57名普通船員。The ship has a crew of 57 exclusive of officers.
- 航船遇難已使船員毫無辦法,加之又碰上了壞天氣。The bad weather added to the helplessness of the shipwrecked sailors.
- 船員擊退了進攻。The crew repelled the attack.
- 我們在一個木筏子上找到了失事船隻的船員。We found the shipwrecked sailors on a raft.