拼音:chǒu wén英文解釋:
scandal【法】 scandal
有關醜事的傳聞或訊息當醜聞公開出來後,她就覺得不能容忍了 >>查看“醜聞”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 經過最近這次醜聞之後,政府完全失去了人們的信任。After the recent scandal the Government has lost all credibility.
- 這樁醜聞有可能使政府垮台。This scandal may topple the government.
- 那記者正在調查幾起財務醜聞。The journalist was probing into several financial scandals.
- 最近的醜聞給政府的反對派提供了大量的炮彈。The recent scandal has provided the government's opponents with plenty of ammunition.
- 那件醜聞在報紙上引起陣陣風波。The scandal caused tempests in the newspaper.
- 政府因這樁醜聞而名聲敗壞。The Government was discredited by the scandal.
- 總統因近來被揭露涉嫌金融權益問題而成為醜聞的主角。The President is at the center of a recent scandal over revelation about his financial interests.