- 敵人的醜惡表演
the antics of the enemy
- 有個醜惡的怪物襲擊了手無寸鐵的村民
A hideous monster attacked the helpless villagers
- 以各種醜惡現象和高犯罪率而臭名昭著的城市街區。
a city district known for its vice and high crime rate
- 打擊各種犯罪活動,掃除各種醜惡現象,手軟不得。
In combating crime and eliminating social evils, we must not be soft.
- 再一次,我們看到了醜陋、不成熟的決策機制露出了它醜惡的面孔。
Once more, we see ugly, juvenile politics rearing its ugly head.
- 恥辱的標記表示恥辱和醜惡聲名的標記;恥辱
A mark of disgrace or notoriety; a stigma.
- 揭露某一行徑的醜惡
reveal the infamy of a proceeding
- 恥辱的標記表示恥辱和醜惡聲名的標記;恥辱
A mark of disgrace or notoriety; a stigma