拼音:chōu qiān英文解釋:
ballot; draw; draw cuts; draw straws; lot; sortition【經】 draw a lottery; draw by lot; lot drawing
(1) (2) 在神前掣籤卜吉凶的迷信行為(3) 掣籤來決定先後次序、輸贏等 >>查看“抽籤”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.todrawlots 2.drawinglots 3.ballot 4.drawnlots 5.drewlots 6.drawlots 7.drawing 8.lottery 9.draw,sortition相關對話:
- "一方贏另一方輸,抽籤全看運氣好壞。"The one won and the other lost; that's the luck of the draw.
- 尼克在第一場拳擊比賽中就吃盡了苦頭,他抽籤碰上了一名真正的老手,不到兩個回合他就給徹底打敗了。Nick had a rough time in his first fight. He was drawn opposite a real old person who took him apart inside two rounds.
- 這次學生們決定抽籤決定誰得獎。The students decided to draw for the prize this time.
- 由於股票超額認購,所以用抽籤辦法購買股票。The share be-sue is oversubscribed, so there is a ballot the share.
- 他們用抽籤的方法來決定誰先開始。They drew lots to decide who should begin.
- 抽籤進A組draw group A
- 通過投票選出,抽籤選拔;通過從票箱中拿出選票進行挑選select by take papers out of a box
- 什麼時候抽籤?When is the drawing of lots?