字典網>> 漢英字典>> C開頭詞條>>沖走的英文翻譯


拼音:chōng zǒu




  1. 河岸上的泥土大部分被洪水沖走了。
    The floods have washed most of the soil down form the river banks.
  2. 第二年夏,一陣山洪把這些全都沖走了。
    The following summer a raging torrent swept all of these away
  3. 他被激流沖走而淹死了。
    He was swept away by the rush of the current and drowned.
  4. 洪水沖走了上千間房屋。
    The flood swept away thousands of houses.
  5. 他被旋渦沖走了。
    He was swirled away on the current .
  6. 【一場可怕的洪水把他的車子沖走了。】
    A terrible flood swept his car away
  7. 第二年夏,一陣山洪把這些全都沖走了。
    The following summer a raging torrent swept all of these away.
  8. 大量的土壤被雨水從山坡上沖走
    Great quantities of soil were washed down the hillside by the rain.
