- 你有看到我的衝浪板在哪裡嗎
A: Have you seen my boogie board lying around anywhere
- 每個周末都去衝浪。
He goes to surfing each weekend.
- 浪牆,直立浪衝浪運動中海浪的重直面
The vertical surface of an ocean wave in surfing.
- 衝浪:最佳運動
Surfing: The Sport of Kings
- 你租衝浪板來學會讓你花上一大筆錢。
You would spend a thousand dollars to learn it on a rental windsurfer.
- 在某人遭鯊魚攻擊後,衝浪者停止一切活動。
The surfer call it quits after one is nip by a shark
- 衝浪者們順著浪頭沖向岸邊。
The surfers were riding in towards the beach on the crests of the waves.
- 我喜歡的運動是衝浪。
My favorite sport is surf riding.