拼音:chī zhī yǐ bí英文解釋:
用鼻子輕蔑地吭氣,表示瞧不起對這種庸俗行為嗤之以鼻 >>查看“嗤之以鼻”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 我對那項建議理所當然嗤之以鼻。I shall treat that suggestion with the contempt it deserves.
- 他對這個建議嗤之以鼻。He looked down his nose at the offer.
- 他對我的話嗤之以鼻。He puffed at my remarks.
- 100年前人們對人類能飛起來這個觀點嗤之以鼻。A hundred years ago people scoffed at the idea that man would ever fly
- 你可能會嗤之以鼻,但是有很多人喜歡這種音樂。You may sneer, but a lot of people like this kind of music
- 她對食物嗤之以鼻Turned up her nose at the food.