拼音:chí táng英文翻譯
mere; pond; tank
1.etange 2.
tank 3.vlaie 4.farmpond 5.
mere 例句:
- 池塘四周聳立著一圈樹木。
A fringe of trees stood round the pool.
- 池塘里有些蘆葦。
There are some reeds in the pond.
- 農場有一個供牛飲水的池塘。
The farm has a pond from which the cattle can drink.
- 池塘邊有許多花。
There are many flowers on the brink of the pond.
- 裝滿這個小池塘需要多少桶水?
How many buckets of water will we need to fill this small pond?
- 鹿低下頭去喝池塘里的水。
The deer lowered its head to drink from the pond.
- 池塘里點綴著睡蓮。
The pond is dotted with water lilies.
- 池塘上的冰面太薄了,不能滑冰。
The ice on the pond is too thin for skating.
池塘的意思 ∶蓄水的坑池,較小而淺 ∶澡塘中的浴池詳細解釋.蓄水的坑,一般不太大,也不太深。 南朝 宋 謝靈運 《登池上樓》詩:“池塘生春草,園柳變鳴禽。” 唐 楊師道 《春朝閒步》詩:“池塘藉