拼音:chén mèn 英文解釋:
oppression; tedium
(1) ∶沉重,煩悶,心情不舒暢心情沉悶他這個人很沉悶(2) ∶沉默不說話劉信誠... >>
查看“沉悶”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
heavy-footedness 2.
tristesse 3.
tedium 4.
tediousness 5.
oppression 6.
heaviness 7.
languor 8.
mugginess 9.
heavyonhand 例句:
- 想到我們把所有的錢都花在兒子的教育上,而他卻所想去一家沉悶的工廠工作,我感到很傷心。
It breads my heart to think of all the money we spent on our son's education and all he wants to do is work in a dreary factory.
- 主席一直以沉悶的語調講了幾小時。
The chairman droned on for hours.
- 沉悶的演講
A ponderous speech
- 我敢說你在家裡感到沉悶無聊。
I dare say you're dull at home.
- 沉悶的聲音,鏗鏘聲陰沉的聲音;重擊
A dull sound; a thump
- 過得很痛苦或者沉悶、緩慢。
passing painfully or tediously slowly.
- 重擊聲,砰的一聲如重物擊打固體平面所發出的沉悶的聲響
A dull sound, as that of a heavy object striking a solid surface