拼音:chéng rán 英文解釋:
certes; indeed; true中文解釋:
(1) ∶確實實在誠然可敬的長者(2) ∶雖然;固然勇敢誠然可貴,智慧卻萬不可少... >>
查看“誠然”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
certes 2.
admittedly 相關對話:
- 誠然,他年輕的時候不勤奮,然而現在他工作很賣力。
If he was not industrious in his youth, he now works very hard.
- 誠然,它或許是如此,但並不經常如此。
I it may be so, but it is not so always.
- 誠然,這是一出值得人家傾聽的歌劇。
Assuredly, this is an opera which it is worth the trouble of listening to.
- 誠然,競爭在許多領域也有很重要的作用。
Admittedly, competition also plays a significant role in many areas
- 誠然,他不是愛因斯坦。
to be sure, he is not Einstein.