拼音:chéng kěn de英文解釋:
cordial; genuine; hearty; sincere; wholehearted相關詞條:
- 我可以向你保證他是誠懇的。I can assure you that he is sincere.
- 他們很短和矮胖,藉由紅色的頭髮和一種誠懇的性情。They are short and stocky, with red hair and a hearty disposition
- 誠懇的人a genuine person
- 誠懇的態度a sincere attitude
- 關於宗教和道德的不誠懇的話。insincere talk about religion or morals.
- 他是一個坦率誠懇的人。He is a man of transparent sincerity.
- (他看起來像是個非常誠懇的人。)He comes across as a very sincere man
- 我得向你們表示最誠懇的歉意。I must offere you my sincerest apologies.