拼音:cháo liú英文翻譯
swim; tidal current; tide; tideway; trend
1.tidalcurrent 2.
tideway 3.
swim 4.tidalflow 5.tidalstream 6.
stream 例句:
- 青少年經常反潮流而動。
Teenagers often go against the stream.
- 大規模的農場聚集在白人的所有權之下,這在當時是一股潮流。
The aggregation of immense farms under white ownership was a trend at that time.
- 流行敏感的,趕新潮的對最新的潮流或發展很敏感的,感興趣的或了解的
Keenly aware of, knowledgeable about, or interested in the latest trends or developments.
- 儘管如此,年輕的顧客以及走在時代潮流前面的人,仍然寧買日本汽車,其人數之眾簡直不成比例。
Even so, younger buyers and others who have been on the leading edge of trends continue to prefer Japanese cars in disproportionate numbers.
- 雖然過程緩慢,方式也很複雜,可英國也許能夠證明他們並非是法國總是害怕的那種美國勢力的潛在危險。恰恰相反,他們是與美國潮流抗衡的力量。
In very gradual, complex ways, Britain may prove to be, not the Trojan horse of American influence which France has always feared, but, on the contrary, a counterpoise to the American tide.
潮流的意思 ∶由潮汐引起的水的流動 ∶
三八引 晉 孫綽 《望海賦》:“商客齊唱,潮流往還。”《南齊書·武帝紀》:“頃水雨頻降,潮流薦滿