拼音:cháng tóu 英文解釋:
【醫】 caput longum; dolichocephalia; dolichocephalism中文解釋:
猶言高個子。《後漢書·賈逵傳》:“自為兒童,常在太學,不通人閒事。身長八尺二寸... >>
查看“長頭”在國語詞典中的解釋 漢語造句:
- 她的長頭發被扎了起來。
Her long hair was bound up.
- 在我們學習男生是不允許留長頭發的。
Schoolboy are not allowed to have long hair in our school.
- 頭部頭部,特指頭頂上長頭發的部位
The head, especially the top of the head where hair grows.
- 留長頭發那個人是我爸爸。
The guy with long hair is my father.
- japanicusDrake ,194 7和五脊長頭網蝽C .
C. japanicus Drake and C.
- 亂糟糟的長頭發
Wild locks of long hair.
- 大昭寺門口磕長頭的女人。
The women kowtow outside of Jokhang temple.
- 我討厭他的長頭發。
I was disgusted with his long hair.