拼音:cháng jiǔ de英文解釋:
long【法】 long
- 我沒能找到長久的工作,因此這兩年來我只能靠騙人吃飯。I couldn't get a permanent job so I had to live by my wits for a couple of years.
- 長期的,長久的繼續或保持無限長的時間的Continuing or lasting for an indefinitely long time.
- 簡的表演將會在我的記憶中留下長久的印象。Jane's performance will be impressed upon my memory for a long time.
- 是想隨便認識一個人,還是尋求長久的友情?Do you want a casual acquaintance or a long distance friendship?
- 馬塞諸塞州警局有著長久的優良傳統。Massachusetts State Police has a long tradition of excellence
- 馬塞諸塞州警局有著長久的優良傳統。Massachusetts State Police has a long tradition of excellence.
- 長久的友誼;持久的鬥爭。a longstanding friendship; the longstanding conflict
- 長久的、病態的對一個問題的沉思。persistent morbid meditation on a problem.