拼音:chàng qiāng英文解釋:
aria; music for voices in a Chinese opera中文解釋:
戲曲中唱出來的曲調 >>查看“唱腔”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 這段唱腔要用笛子來配。This passage is to be sung to the accompaniment of a bamboo flute
- 成套唱腔a complete score for voices (in an opera)
- 她的唱腔很有韻味。Her singing has a special pleasing quality about it
- 她的唱腔很有韻味。Her singing has a special pleasing quality about it.
- 這段唱腔要用笛子來配。This passage is to be sung to the accompaniment of a bamboo flute.