拼音:chàng hè 英文解釋:
(1) ∶以原韻律答和他人的詩或詞(2) ∶歌唱時此唱彼和,互相呼應 >>
查看“唱和”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
response 2.
respond 3.
antiphony 4.
antiphon 例句:
- 康塔塔,清唱曲一段聲音和器樂的樂段,由合唱、獨唱和宣敘調組成
A vocal and instrumental piece composed of choruses, solos, and recitatives
- 在文戲中唱和表演起很重要的作用。
In a singing play, singing and acting play an important part
- 遙相注目的兩岸在難以測度的深海淚歌中彼此唱和。
The two separated shores mingle their voices in a song of unfathomed tears
- 含有歌唱和喜劇表演的綜藝演出。
a variety show with songs and comic acts etc
- 她的演唱和音樂不合拍。
Her singing was out of time with the music.
- 遙相注目的兩岸在難以測度的深海淚歌中彼此唱和。
The two separated shores mingle their voices in a song of unfathomed tears.
- 對上帝呼喊、歌唱和讚頌的用語。
a shout or song of praise to God.
- 唱和詩歌的樂曲;唱和詩歌的作品
A composition that is sung responsively; an antiphon