字典網>> 漢英字典>> C開頭詞條>>敞開的英文翻譯 “敞開”的日文翻譯


拼音:chǎng kāi


open wide


(1) ∶從關閉的位置上打開敞開門(2) ∶開大(如大門)地獄將敞開它最大的門 >>查看“敞開”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 穿過敞開的窗戶傳來對那些喧鬧學生的責罵聲。
    Abuse rained down on the noisy students from the open windows.
  2. 透過敞開的房門可以看見凌亂的廚房。
    The open door revealed an untidy kitchen.
  3. 窗簾在敞開的窗戶前擺動。
    The curtains were flapping at the open window.
  4. 穿過敞開的窗戶傳來對那些喧鬧學生的責罵聲.
    Abuse rained down on the noisy students from the open windows.
  5. 敞開嗓門吧,春天甜美的使者!
    Exert thy voice,sweet harbinger of spring!
  6. 城齒城堡雉堞牆上兩塊敞開空間中的實牆
    A solid portion of a crenelated wall between two open spaces.
  7. 敞開思想
    say what's in one's mind; get things off one's chest
  8. 他的左鄰右舍建造敞開的汽車間,他也照著做。
    When his neighbors on both sides built carports, he soon followed suit.
