open; spacious中文解釋:
敞 chǎng (房屋、庭院等)沒有遮蔽:敞亮。寬敞。 張開,打開:敞著大門。...>>查看“敞”在國語字典中的解釋
1.open(circuit) 2.openhawse相關對話:
- 穿過敞開的窗戶傳來對那些喧鬧學生的責罵聲。Abuse rained down on the noisy students from the open windows.
- 無論天氣多麽冷,她都敞著臥室的窗戶。She leaves her bedroom window open, however cold it is.
- 你不要敞著大門。You mustn't leave the gate open.
- 那輛敞篷汽車撞車時把司機拋出車外。The driver was shot out of the open car as it crashed.
- 這旅館既不寬敞也不舒服。The hotel is neither spacious nor comfortable.
- 透過敞開的房門可以看見凌亂的廚房。The open door revealed an untidy kitchen.
- 窗簾在敞開的窗戶前擺動。The curtains were flapping at the open window.
- 座椅按照順序排列,這使得禮堂里顯得很寬敞。The systematic arrangement of chairs makes the hall look spacious.