拼音:cháng chù 英文解釋:
good qualities; long suit; recommendatory中文解釋:
指某個方面的優點,特長或優勢 >>
查看“長處”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
merit 2.
forte 3.
metier 4.
longsuit 5.
strength 6.
strongpoint 7.
strongpoint. 8.
advantage 9.
strongsuit 10.
savinggrace 例句:
- 忍耐是他的長處。
Patience is his strong suit.
- 他雖說又愚蠢又吝嗇,但他有幽默的長處。
He may be stupid and mean, but his one saving grace is his humour.
- 謙虛可不是他的長處。
Modesty is not his long suit.
- 到胡副團長處去一趟。
Report to Assistant Regimental Commander Hu.
- 而且列舉了我的長處,獲得過的成績和參加社會活動的情況。
I also listed my strength, achievements, and social activities.
- 請明?我的長處。
A:Acknowledge the greatness within me.
- 他的長處之一是忠實。
One of his virtues is faithfulness.
- 國家不論大小,都各有長處和短處。
Every nation big or small , has its strong and weak points .