拼音:cái zǐ 英文解釋:
gifted youth中文解釋:
(1) ∶才華出眾的人才子佳人(2) ∶長於文藝創作的人 >>
查看“才子”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
wit 2.
belesprit 3.
bel-esprit 例句:
- 全城所有的才子佳人都出席了這次宴會。
All the wits and beauties of the town were present at the party.
- 奧斯卡王爾德是個出名的才子。
Oscar Wilde was a famous wit.
- 才子,智者具有傑出的智力的人
A person of exceptional intelligence
- 她要算是美人的話,她母親可以算是一個才子了。
She a beauty! I should say as soon call her mother a wit
- 才子佳人小說團圓結局新探
The Study of the Reunion Sequel in Novel of Bel-esprit and Beautiful Woman
- 天生才子
a born great artist; a genius
- 全城所有的才子佳人都出席了這次宴會。
All the wits and beauties of the town were present at the party.