拼音:bù kān 英文解釋:
can't bear; extremely
(1) ∶用於形容詞後面表示程度深忙碌不堪疲備不堪(2) ∶壞到極點那飯菜都系不... >>
查看“不堪”在國語詞典中的解釋 中英例句:
- 她身體很差不堪長途旅行。
She is very weak and not equal to a long journey.
- 家具很少,桌椅套子又都破爛不堪。
The furniture was scanty and the coverings worn to the thread.
- 他們工作得疲憊不堪
Worked themselves to a frazzle
- 他為自己所幹的事愧疚不堪。
He is terribly ashamed of what he did.
- 我父親仍然能騎腳踏車上小山,但那使他疲憊不堪。
My father can still cycle up the hill but it takes it out of him.
- 我們回家時公共汽車一路上都擁擠不堪。
We were packed like sardines all the way home on the bus.
- 媒體對於克納特的關注也會讓小傢伙疲憊不堪。瞧,它對著鏡頭打起了呵欠。
All this media attention can tire a fellow out Knut gives a big yawn
- 城邊上的一個污穢不堪的酒吧
A flyblown bar on the edge of town