half; in part; partly; partially
1.toacertianextent 2.halflings 3.
partly 4.inlargepart 5.byparts 6.
part 例句
- 世界上每一種物質不管看起來和其他物質多么不同,都部分地由電子組成。
Every substance in the world, no matter how different it may seem from any other substance, is made partly of electrons.
- (化妝舞會的)面具布做面具,上有孔可露出雙眼、全部或部分地遮住面部,尤在假面舞會上佩戴
A covering, as of cloth, that has openings for the eyes, entirely or partly conceals the face, and is worn especially at a masquerade ball.
- 局部麻醉部分地失去感覺;縮小的敏感性
Partial loss of sensation; diminished sensibility.
- 會員集體一機構或協會裡只享有部分地位或權利的成員
A member of an institution or society who is granted only partial status or privileges.