n. 部分, 局部, 零件, 要素, 等分, 職責, 角色, 部位
vt. 分開, 分離, 斷絕, 區別, 分配
vi. 分開, 斷裂, 分手
a. 部分的, 局部的
ad. 部分地, 有些
【醫】 部, 部分
【經】 部份, 零件, 部件
part company with
have a small part in
part with sth
hate to part with sth
bear a part in
do one's part
for one's part
for my part
for the most part
have neither part nor lot in
in part
on the part of
part and parcel
take...in good part
take an active part in
take part with
take the part of
the best part
the better part
動詞過去式:parted 過去分詞:parted 現在分詞:parting 第三人稱單數:parts詞意辨析:
divide, separate, part, divorce這些動詞都有“分開”之意。
divide: 指把一個整體按要求分成幾個部分,暗示分配之意;也可指分開兩個對立的事物。
separate: 指把兩個人或物分開,著重從原屬一個整體中移居一部分或把兩者隔開。
part: 多指使緊密相連的人或物分開,往往暗示最後分離的意味。
divorce: 特指兩個或更多的互為依賴的事物的分離,尤指婚姻的合法解體。part, piece, section, division, portion, fraction, fragment, segment, share這些名詞均可表示“整體的一部分”之意。
part: 含義廣,最普通用詞,常指整體中可大可小的一部分,也可指整體中可分開的獨立部分。
piece: 指整體中的一些個體,尤指從某個整體上分出來的一部分。
section: 指整體中的分區,部分與部分之間有顯著界限。
division: 通常指按類劃分或分割成的部分,常含抽象意義。
portion: 側重從整體中所分配到的那一部分,含一定的獨立意義。
fraction: 指包含在全體中的一部分,暗示微不足道的一部分。
fragment: 指因破裂、分割等產生的支離破碎、不規則的一部分。
segment: 指某物的特定部分或自然形成的部分,也指線形物品的一段。
share: 指共有的東西中應占有的一部分。英文解釋:
名詞 part:
- something determined in relation to something that includes it同義詞:portion, component part, component
- the extended spatial location of something同義詞:region
- in so far as the actor specified is concerned
- something less than the whole of a human artifact同義詞:portion
- one of the portions into which something is regarded as divided and which together constitute a whole同義詞:section, division
- the actions and activities assigned to or required or expected of a person or group同義詞:function, office, role
- a portion of a natural object同義詞:piece
- an actor's portrayal of someone in a play同義詞:character, role, theatrical role, persona
- assets belonging to or due to or contributed by an individual person or group同義詞:share, portion, percentage
- any one of a number of individual efforts in a common endeavor同義詞:contribution, share
- the melody carried by a particular voice or instrument in polyphonic music同義詞:voice
- a line of scalp that can be seen when sections of hair are combed in opposite directions同義詞:parting
動詞 part:
- go one's own way; move apart同義詞:separate, split
- discontinue an association or relation; go different ways同義詞:separate, split up, split, break, break up
- leave同義詞:depart, start, start out, set forth, set off, set out, take off
- come apart同義詞:separate, divide
- force, take, or pull apart同義詞:separate, disunite, divide
副詞 part:
- in part; in some degree; not wholly同義詞:partially, partly
- I want no part in this sordid business.我不想和這一骯髒勾當有任何瓜葛。
- I'm afraid I have to part company with you there.看來在這一點上我不敢苟同。
- Have you learnt your part yet?你的台詞背熟了嗎?
- I will give you a pound in part payment.我會給你一磅作為先付部分。
- This piece of glass seems to be part of a lamp.這片玻璃似乎是一盞燈的一部分。
- I hope we can part as friends.
n.Abbr. p.,pt.(名詞)縮寫 p.,pt.A portion, division, piece, or segment of a whole.部分:一份、一組、一片或整體的一部分Any of several equal portions or fractions that can constitute a whole or into which a whole can be divided:等分:可組成一個整體或可被分割的整體的幾等分或幾部分之一:例句:a mixture of two parts flour to one part sugar.兩份麵粉和一份糖的混合物
A division of a literary work:段落:文學作品的分開部分:例句:a novel in three parts.分為三部分的小說
An organ, a member, or another division of an organism.器官:有機體的器官、部位或其它分割形式parts The external genitalia. parts 外 * A component that can be separated from or attached to a system; a detachable piece:部件,零件:可以從一個系統上分離或組裝上去的組成部分;可分離的部分:例句:spare parts for cars.汽車零配件
A role:角色:例句:She has the main part in the play.她在該劇中擔任主角
One`s responsibility, duty, or obligation; share:職責,義務:某人的責任、職責或義務;份額:例句:We each do our part to keep the house clean.我們各盡其職以保持房屋的清潔
Often parts Individual endowment or ability; talent. 常作 parts 才華:個人的天資或才能;天才Often parts A region, area, land, or territory: 常作 parts 地區,領域:一塊地區、區域、土地或領土:例句:.Minding your own business is second nature in these parts.(Boston).各盡其職、不管閒事是這些地區人的第二天性.(波士頓)
The line where the hair on the head is parted.分縫,分發線:頭髮分開處的一條縫Music 【音樂】 The music or score for a particular instrument, as in an orchestra.音部,聲部:為某種樂器而配製的音樂或樂譜,如管弦樂隊中的音樂One of the melodic divisions or voices of a contrapuntal composition.樂曲的一部:復調音樂中的一段樂部或一個聲部v.(動詞)part.ed,part.ing,parts v.tr.(及物動詞)To divide or break into separate parts.使分裂:分成或裂成幾部分To break up (a relationship) by separating the elements involved:拆移:通過分離相關因素而斷絕(關係):例句:parted company.公司拆移
To put or keep apart:使分開:使分離或保持分離:例句:No one could part the two friends.誰也不能把這兩個朋友分開
To comb (hair, for example) away from a dividing line, as on the scalp.左右分梳:把(如,頭髮)從分縫處向兩邊梳理,如在頭皮上梳理Archaic To divide into shares or portions.【古語】 分成數分:分成幾份兒或幾部分v.intr.(不及物動詞)To become divided or separated:分開:變為分開或分離的:例句:The curtain parted in the middle.從中間分開的窗簾
To go apart from one another; separate:分離:彼此分開;分離:例句:They parted as friends. They were forced to part from one another.他們友好地分手了,他們被迫彼此分離
To separate or divide into ways going in different directions:分岔:分離或分成通向不同方向的幾條路:例句:The road parts about halfway into the forest.這條路在去森林的中途分岔了
To go away; depart.See Synonyms at separate 離去;離開參見 separateTo disagree by factions:內哄:派系間的爭執:例句:The committee parted over the issue of pay raises for employees.委員會在關於提高雇員工資這一問題上發生了分歧
Archaic To die.【古語】 死亡adv.(副詞)Partially; in part:不完全地:部分地;以部分形式地:例句:part yellow, part green.半黃半綠
adj.(形容詞)Not full or complete; partial:部分的,不完全的:不是全部的或不完全的;部分的:例句:a part owner of the business.這個企業的部分所有人
<常用詞組>part with
To give up or let go of; relinquish.放棄:放棄或使離開;棄權常用詞組><習慣用語>for (one`s) part
So far as one is concerned.就某人而言for the most part
To the greater extent; generally or mostly.多半,通常:很大程度地;普遍地或大部分地in good part
Good-naturedly or with good grace; without taking offense:脾性好地:性情好地或風度優雅地;不發火地:例句:take a joke in good part.善意地開玩笑
in part
To some extent; partly.部分地:在某種程度上;部分地on the part of
Regarding or with respect to the one specified:就…而言:關於或就某一特定的人而言:例句:Brilliant strategy on the part of Confederate forces ensured their victory at Chancellorsville.盟軍巧妙的戰略確保了他們在錢瑟勒斯維爾的勝利
part and parcel
A basic or essential part:重要部分:基本的或不可缺少的部分:例句:Working overtime is part and parcel of his job.逾時工作是他工作的基本特徵
take part
To join in; participate:加入;參與:例句:He took part in the celebration.他參加了慶祝活動
take (someone`s) part
To side with in a disagreement; support.支持:在爭執中站在…一方;支持習慣用語>來源:Middle English 中古英文 from Old French 源自 古法文 from Latin pars part- * see per…- 2源自 拉丁語 pars part- *參見 per…- 2
divide: 指把一個整體按要求分成幾個部分,暗示分配之意;也可指分開兩個對立的事物。
separate: 指把兩個人或物分開,著重從原屬一個整體中移居一部分或把兩者隔開。
part: 多指使緊密相連的人或物分開,往往暗示最後分離的意味。
divorce: 特指兩個或更多的互為依賴的事物的分離,尤指婚姻的合法解體。
part, piece, section, division, portion, fraction, fragment, segment, share這些名詞均可表示“整體的一部分”之意。
part: 含義廣,最普通用詞,常指整體中可大可小的一部分,也可指整體中可分開的獨立部分。
piece: 指整體中的一些個體,尤指從某個整體上分出來的一部分。
section: 指整體中的分區,部分與部分之間有顯著界限。
division: 通常指按類劃分或分割成的部分,常含抽象意義。
portion: 側重從整體中所分配到的那一部分,含一定的獨立意義。
fraction: 指包含在全體中的一部分,暗示微不足道的一部分。
fragment: 指因破裂、分割等產生的支離破碎、不規則的一部分。
segment: 指某物的特定部分或自然形成的部分,也指線形物品的一段。
share: 指共有的東西中應占有的一部分。英文解釋:
名詞 part:
- something determined in relation to something that includes it同義詞:portion, component part, component
- the extended spatial location of something同義詞:region
- in so far as the actor specified is concerned
- something less than the whole of a human artifact同義詞:portion
- one of the portions into which something is regarded as divided and which together constitute a whole同義詞:section, division
- the actions and activities assigned to or required or expected of a person or group同義詞:function, office, role
- a portion of a natural object同義詞:piece
- an actor's portrayal of someone in a play同義詞:character, role, theatrical role, persona
- assets belonging to or due to or contributed by an individual person or group同義詞:share, portion, percentage
- any one of a number of individual efforts in a common endeavor同義詞:contribution, share
- the melody carried by a particular voice or instrument in polyphonic music同義詞:voice
- a line of scalp that can be seen when sections of hair are combed in opposite directions同義詞:parting
動詞 part:
- go one's own way; move apart同義詞:separate, split
- discontinue an association or relation; go different ways同義詞:separate, split up, split, break, break up
- leave同義詞:depart, start, start out, set forth, set off, set out, take off
- come apart同義詞:separate, divide
- force, take, or pull apart同義詞:separate, disunite, divide
副詞 part:
- in part; in some degree; not wholly同義詞:partially, partly
- I want no part in this sordid business.我不想和這一骯髒勾當有任何瓜葛。
- I'm afraid I have to part company with you there.看來在這一點上我不敢苟同。
- Have you learnt your part yet?你的台詞背熟了嗎?
- I will give you a pound in part payment.我會給你一磅作為先付部分。
- This piece of glass seems to be part of a lamp.這片玻璃似乎是一盞燈的一部分。
- I hope we can part as friends.
n.Abbr. p.,pt.(名詞)縮寫 p.,pt.A portion, division, piece, or segment of a whole.部分:一份、一組、一片或整體的一部分Any of several equal portions or fractions that can constitute a whole or into which a whole can be divided:等分:可組成一個整體或可被分割的整體的幾等分或幾部分之一:例句:a mixture of two parts flour to one part sugar.兩份麵粉和一份糖的混合物
A division of a literary work:段落:文學作品的分開部分:例句:a novel in three parts.分為三部分的小說
An organ, a member, or another division of an organism.器官:有機體的器官、部位或其它分割形式parts The external genitalia. parts 外 * A component that can be separated from or attached to a system; a detachable piece:部件,零件:可以從一個系統上分離或組裝上去的組成部分;可分離的部分:例句:spare parts for cars.汽車零配件
A role:角色:例句:She has the main part in the play.她在該劇中擔任主角
One`s responsibility, duty, or obligation; share:職責,義務:某人的責任、職責或義務;份額:例句:We each do our part to keep the house clean.我們各盡其職以保持房屋的清潔
Often parts Individual endowment or ability; talent. 常作 parts 才華:個人的天資或才能;天才Often parts A region, area, land, or territory: 常作 parts 地區,領域:一塊地區、區域、土地或領土:例句:.Minding your own business is second nature in these parts.(Boston).各盡其職、不管閒事是這些地區人的第二天性.(波士頓)
The line where the hair on the head is parted.分縫,分發線:頭髮分開處的一條縫Music 【音樂】 The music or score for a particular instrument, as in an orchestra.音部,聲部:為某種樂器而配製的音樂或樂譜,如管弦樂隊中的音樂One of the melodic divisions or voices of a contrapuntal composition.樂曲的一部:復調音樂中的一段樂部或一個聲部v.(動詞)part.ed,part.ing,parts v.tr.(及物動詞)To divide or break into separate parts.使分裂:分成或裂成幾部分To break up (a relationship) by separating the elements involved:拆移:通過分離相關因素而斷絕(關係):例句:parted company.公司拆移
To put or keep apart:使分開:使分離或保持分離:例句:No one could part the two friends.誰也不能把這兩個朋友分開
To comb (hair, for example) away from a dividing line, as on the scalp.左右分梳:把(如,頭髮)從分縫處向兩邊梳理,如在頭皮上梳理Archaic To divide into shares or portions.【古語】 分成數分:分成幾份兒或幾部分v.intr.(不及物動詞)To become divided or separated:分開:變為分開或分離的:例句:The curtain parted in the middle.從中間分開的窗簾
To go apart from one another; separate:分離:彼此分開;分離:例句:They parted as friends. They were forced to part from one another.他們友好地分手了,他們被迫彼此分離
To separate or divide into ways going in different directions:分岔:分離或分成通向不同方向的幾條路:例句:The road parts about halfway into the forest.這條路在去森林的中途分岔了
To go away; depart.See Synonyms at separate 離去;離開參見 separateTo disagree by factions:內哄:派系間的爭執:例句:The committee parted over the issue of pay raises for employees.委員會在關於提高雇員工資這一問題上發生了分歧
Archaic To die.【古語】 死亡adv.(副詞)Partially; in part:不完全地:部分地;以部分形式地:例句:part yellow, part green.半黃半綠
adj.(形容詞)Not full or complete; partial:部分的,不完全的:不是全部的或不完全的;部分的:例句:a part owner of the business.這個企業的部分所有人
<常用詞組>part with
To give up or let go of; relinquish.放棄:放棄或使離開;棄權常用詞組><習慣用語>for (one`s) part
So far as one is concerned.就某人而言for the most part
To the greater extent; generally or mostly.多半,通常:很大程度地;普遍地或大部分地in good part
Good-naturedly or with good grace; without taking offense:脾性好地:性情好地或風度優雅地;不發火地:例句:take a joke in good part.善意地開玩笑
in part
To some extent; partly.部分地:在某種程度上;部分地on the part of
Regarding or with respect to the one specified:就…而言:關於或就某一特定的人而言:例句:Brilliant strategy on the part of Confederate forces ensured their victory at Chancellorsville.盟軍巧妙的戰略確保了他們在錢瑟勒斯維爾的勝利
part and parcel
A basic or essential part:重要部分:基本的或不可缺少的部分:例句:Working overtime is part and parcel of his job.逾時工作是他工作的基本特徵
take part
To join in; participate:加入;參與:例句:He took part in the celebration.他參加了慶祝活動
take (someone`s) part
To side with in a disagreement; support.支持:在爭執中站在…一方;支持習慣用語>來源:Middle English 中古英文 from Old French 源自 古法文 from Latin pars part- * see per…- 2源自 拉丁語 pars part- *參見 per…- 2
part: 含義廣,最普通用詞,常指整體中可大可小的一部分,也可指整體中可分開的獨立部分。
piece: 指整體中的一些個體,尤指從某個整體上分出來的一部分。
section: 指整體中的分區,部分與部分之間有顯著界限。
division: 通常指按類劃分或分割成的部分,常含抽象意義。
portion: 側重從整體中所分配到的那一部分,含一定的獨立意義。
fraction: 指包含在全體中的一部分,暗示微不足道的一部分。
fragment: 指因破裂、分割等產生的支離破碎、不規則的一部分。
segment: 指某物的特定部分或自然形成的部分,也指線形物品的一段。
share: 指共有的東西中應占有的一部分。
名詞 part:
- something determined in relation to something that includes it同義詞:portion, component part, component
- the extended spatial location of something同義詞:region
- in so far as the actor specified is concerned
- something less than the whole of a human artifact同義詞:portion
- one of the portions into which something is regarded as divided and which together constitute a whole同義詞:section, division
- the actions and activities assigned to or required or expected of a person or group同義詞:function, office, role
- a portion of a natural object同義詞:piece
- an actor's portrayal of someone in a play同義詞:character, role, theatrical role, persona
- assets belonging to or due to or contributed by an individual person or group同義詞:share, portion, percentage
- any one of a number of individual efforts in a common endeavor同義詞:contribution, share
- the melody carried by a particular voice or instrument in polyphonic music同義詞:voice
- a line of scalp that can be seen when sections of hair are combed in opposite directions同義詞:parting
動詞 part:
- go one's own way; move apart同義詞:separate, split
- discontinue an association or relation; go different ways同義詞:separate, split up, split, break, break up
- leave同義詞:depart, start, start out, set forth, set off, set out, take off
- come apart同義詞:separate, divide
- force, take, or pull apart同義詞:separate, disunite, divide
副詞 part:
- in part; in some degree; not wholly同義詞:partially, partly
- I want no part in this sordid business.我不想和這一骯髒勾當有任何瓜葛。
- I'm afraid I have to part company with you there.看來在這一點上我不敢苟同。
- Have you learnt your part yet?你的台詞背熟了嗎?
- I will give you a pound in part payment.我會給你一磅作為先付部分。
- This piece of glass seems to be part of a lamp.這片玻璃似乎是一盞燈的一部分。
- I hope we can part as friends.
n.Abbr. p.,pt.(名詞)縮寫 p.,pt.A portion, division, piece, or segment of a whole.部分:一份、一組、一片或整體的一部分Any of several equal portions or fractions that can constitute a whole or into which a whole can be divided:等分:可組成一個整體或可被分割的整體的幾等分或幾部分之一:例句:a mixture of two parts flour to one part sugar.兩份麵粉和一份糖的混合物
A division of a literary work:段落:文學作品的分開部分:例句:a novel in three parts.分為三部分的小說
An organ, a member, or another division of an organism.器官:有機體的器官、部位或其它分割形式parts The external genitalia. parts 外 * A component that can be separated from or attached to a system; a detachable piece:部件,零件:可以從一個系統上分離或組裝上去的組成部分;可分離的部分:例句:spare parts for cars.汽車零配件
A role:角色:例句:She has the main part in the play.她在該劇中擔任主角
One`s responsibility, duty, or obligation; share:職責,義務:某人的責任、職責或義務;份額:例句:We each do our part to keep the house clean.我們各盡其職以保持房屋的清潔
Often parts Individual endowment or ability; talent. 常作 parts 才華:個人的天資或才能;天才Often parts A region, area, land, or territory: 常作 parts 地區,領域:一塊地區、區域、土地或領土:例句:.Minding your own business is second nature in these parts.(Boston).各盡其職、不管閒事是這些地區人的第二天性.(波士頓)
The line where the hair on the head is parted.分縫,分發線:頭髮分開處的一條縫Music 【音樂】 The music or score for a particular instrument, as in an orchestra.音部,聲部:為某種樂器而配製的音樂或樂譜,如管弦樂隊中的音樂One of the melodic divisions or voices of a contrapuntal composition.樂曲的一部:復調音樂中的一段樂部或一個聲部v.(動詞)part.ed,part.ing,parts v.tr.(及物動詞)To divide or break into separate parts.使分裂:分成或裂成幾部分To break up (a relationship) by separating the elements involved:拆移:通過分離相關因素而斷絕(關係):例句:parted company.公司拆移
To put or keep apart:使分開:使分離或保持分離:例句:No one could part the two friends.誰也不能把這兩個朋友分開
To comb (hair, for example) away from a dividing line, as on the scalp.左右分梳:把(如,頭髮)從分縫處向兩邊梳理,如在頭皮上梳理Archaic To divide into shares or portions.【古語】 分成數分:分成幾份兒或幾部分v.intr.(不及物動詞)To become divided or separated:分開:變為分開或分離的:例句:The curtain parted in the middle.從中間分開的窗簾
To go apart from one another; separate:分離:彼此分開;分離:例句:They parted as friends. They were forced to part from one another.他們友好地分手了,他們被迫彼此分離
To separate or divide into ways going in different directions:分岔:分離或分成通向不同方向的幾條路:例句:The road parts about halfway into the forest.這條路在去森林的中途分岔了
To go away; depart.See Synonyms at separate 離去;離開參見 separateTo disagree by factions:內哄:派系間的爭執:例句:The committee parted over the issue of pay raises for employees.委員會在關於提高雇員工資這一問題上發生了分歧
Archaic To die.【古語】 死亡adv.(副詞)Partially; in part:不完全地:部分地;以部分形式地:例句:part yellow, part green.半黃半綠
adj.(形容詞)Not full or complete; partial:部分的,不完全的:不是全部的或不完全的;部分的:例句:a part owner of the business.這個企業的部分所有人
<常用詞組>part with
To give up or let go of; relinquish.放棄:放棄或使離開;棄權常用詞組><習慣用語>for (one`s) part
So far as one is concerned.就某人而言for the most part
To the greater extent; generally or mostly.多半,通常:很大程度地;普遍地或大部分地in good part
Good-naturedly or with good grace; without taking offense:脾性好地:性情好地或風度優雅地;不發火地:例句:take a joke in good part.善意地開玩笑
in part
To some extent; partly.部分地:在某種程度上;部分地on the part of
Regarding or with respect to the one specified:就…而言:關於或就某一特定的人而言:例句:Brilliant strategy on the part of Confederate forces ensured their victory at Chancellorsville.盟軍巧妙的戰略確保了他們在錢瑟勒斯維爾的勝利
part and parcel
A basic or essential part:重要部分:基本的或不可缺少的部分:例句:Working overtime is part and parcel of his job.逾時工作是他工作的基本特徵
take part
To join in; participate:加入;參與:例句:He took part in the celebration.他參加了慶祝活動
take (someone`s) part
To side with in a disagreement; support.支持:在爭執中站在…一方;支持習慣用語>來源:Middle English 中古英文 from Old French 源自 古法文 from Latin pars part- * see per…- 2源自 拉丁語 pars part- *參見 per…- 2

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