拼音:bǐ zhí 英文解釋:
directness; straightness
(1) ∶非常直,沒有曲折、彎弧或稜角的筆直的木材(2) ∶徑直的一條筆直的路 >>
查看“筆直”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
upright 2.
inabeeline 3.
onthestraight 4.
straightness 5.
straightasapoker 6.
arrowy 7.
asstraightasaramrod 8.
asstraightasapoker 9.
directness 10.
rectitude 中英例句:
- 那隻帆船正乘風筆直疾駛。
The yacht was scudding along before the wind.
- 這條路筆直有好幾英里長。
The road ran straight for several miles.
- 如果燈桿不是筆直的,我就感到煩惱。
It annoys me if a lamppost is not bolt upright.
- 這個老婦人挺著身子,筆直地坐在椅子裡。
The old lady was sitting upright in her chair, stiff as a poker.
- 她昂著頭,把背挺得筆直。
She held her head erect and her back straight.