拼音:bǐ huà英文解釋:
stroke【計】 stroke
見“ 筆畫 ”。 >>查看“筆劃”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
- 一種檔案的參考邊緣,或筆劃的邊限。A document reference edge or a stroke edge
- 按姓氏筆劃為序in the order of the number of strokes in the surnames
- 通常從下向上寫的筆劃。a stroke normally made in an upward direction
- 字元主要筆劃終點的斷線。a short line at the end of the main strokes of a character
- 字谷鉛字筆劃間的凹陷部分The depression between the raised lines of a typeface
- 字谷鉛字筆劃間的凹陷部分The depression between the raised lines of a typeface.
- 字元主要筆劃終點的斷線。a short line at the end of the main strokes of a character.
- 通常從上向下行筆的筆劃。a stroke normally made in a downward direction