字典網>> 漢英字典>> B開頭詞條>>並駕齊驅的英文翻譯 “並駕齊驅”的日文翻譯


拼音:bìng jià qí qū


keep abreast of; keep pace with; neck and neck


本指幾匹馬並排拉著車一齊奔跑,現喻齊頭並進,不分前後高低 >>查看“並駕齊驅”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 蘇聯和美國在發射載人宇宙飛船去火星的研製方面,可以說是並駕齊驅,不相上下。
    Russia and the United States are neck and neck in the race to send a manned spacecraft to Mars.
  2. 約翰只是頭幾圈能與領先的賽跑運動員並駕齊驅
    John was able to stay with the leading runner only in the first few loops.
  3. 人們往往認為愛情和事業是並駕齊驅的。
    Love is sometimes put in range with a career.
  4. 在頭四圈裡,貝德福德一直與那名德國賽跑選手並駕齊驅
    Over the first four laps, Bedford stayed abreast of the German runner.
  5. 一直到終點兩匹馬都並駕齊驅,互不相讓。
    The two horses were neck and neck all the way down to the wire.
  6. 拉平,與……並駕齊驅
    Get abreast of
  7. 人們往往認為愛情和事業是並駕齊驅的。
    Love is sometimes put in range with a career
  8. 黑王子快與領頭馬並駕齊驅了。
    Black Prince is beginning to draw on the leading horse.
