bank; shore【法】 shore
- 海濱離得很近。The beach is quite near by.
- 我很想到海濱去換換環境。I'd like a change on the beach.
- 公園毗連湖濱。The park borders on the shores of the lake.
- 他為了自己的健康,打算到海濱地區去居住。He is going to live by the coast for the sake of his health.
- 鸕鶿是一種長脖子黑顏色的大鳥,生活在海濱而且以吃魚為生。The cormorant is a large, long-necked, dark-colored bird which lives near sea coasts and eats fish.
- 父親想到鄉下去,可是孩子們吵著要去海濱。Father wanted to go to the country, but the children were whooping it up for the beach.
- 我們在海濱痛痛快快地玩了一天。We spent a heavenly day at the beach.
- 他從海濱回來的時候給我們買了一些華而不實的工藝品做禮物。He bought us some gingerbread works as present when he returned from the beach.