拼音:bǐ jiào英文解釋:
compare; assimilate; confront; comparison; comparatively; relatively【計】 compare; match
【醫】 cf.; confero
【經】 compare; comparison
表示具有一定程度說得比較清楚 >>查看“比較”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.cf. 2.collate 3.comparison 4.than 5.parallel 6.incomparisonwith 7.ascomparedwith 8.parallelwith 9.forcomparisonto 10.better 11.madeacomparisonbetween 12.check 13.confrontation 14.vs. 15.parallelism 16.comparing相關對話:
- 挪威人生活在比較寒冷的地區。The Norwegians live in a comparatively cold zone.
- 他的專業是比較文學。He majored in comparative literature.
- 別看這輛汽車小,裡面還比較寬敞。Considering the smallness of the car, it is relatively roomy inside.
- 他似乎比較像一個軍官,而不像一個商業行政主管。He seems more like a military officer than a business executive.
- 我們可以通過比較來分辨好壞。We can only tell good from bad by comparison.
- 和別人比較起來,他相當遲鈍。He is rather dull in comparison with others.
- 這次考試比較容易。The exam was relatively easy.
- 他們現在過著比較舒適的生活。They are now living in relative comfort.