plaque; tablet中文解釋:
匾 biǎn 題字的橫牌,掛在門或牆的上部:匾額。橫匾。光榮匾。 一種用竹篾編...>>查看“匾”在國語字典中的解釋
- 當地的歷史學會在戰場所在地樹立了牌匾。The local historical society put up a plaque at the site of the battle.
- 阿珍?也許可以送他一塊匾額表彰他多年來的貢獻。Jane:Maybe a plaque honoring his years of service.
- 匾,碑上面刻有銘文或圖案的一塊石板或匾An engraved slab or tablet bearing an inscription or a device
- 名牌記有名字的牌或匾,如掛在辦公室門上A plate or plaque, as on an office door, inscribed with a name
- 匾,碑上面刻有銘文或圖案的一塊石板或匾An engraved slab or tablet bearing an inscription or a device.
- 村公所里有一塊紀念該藝術家的牌匾。There is a commemorative plaque to the artist in the village hall
- 我們有些法律彼此互相?勾ィ?浞銑?蛐拚?竅嗟北匾?摹The abolition of control was greeted with joy.
- 他們揭開牌匾為新學校主持揭幕禮。They unveiled the plaque to open the new school.