convenient; handy中文解釋:
便 biàn 順利,沒有困難或阻礙:便當。便利。便道。便民。 簡單的,禮節上非...>>查看“便”在國語字典中的解釋
- 方便,很方便.我反正就要出去.No,not at all.I shall be going out presently.
- 即便是增加一倍的警衛,也要冒同樣的危險。The same risks would be run if we doubled the guard.
- 雙方承諾為進一步開展文化交流創造便利條件。Both sides undertake to facilitate further cultural exchanges.
- 一杯水竟要價50便士,簡直是白日搶劫。It’s daylight robbery to charge 50 pence for a cup of water.
- 他欣賞它的濃郁和可口的味道。我則欣賞它的便宜。He goes for its full,delicious flavors. I go for its economy.
- 我老是想小便。I often have a desire to urinate.
- 我傾身向前,以便能聽清楚些。I lean forward to listen better.
- 採用無棚繩前開口型井架,整體起升,低位安裝,方便快捷。The substructure is a box-on-box design for easy installation