字典網>> 漢英字典>> B開頭詞條>>杯的英文翻譯 “杯”的日文翻譯



cup; calix; chalice; grail
【醫】 cup; Cyath.; cyathus; poculum


杯 bēi 盛酒、水、茶等的器皿:杯子。杯盤狼藉。杯中物(指酒)。 杯狀的錦標...


  1. (英國)小的盤子或子(通常用錫做成的)。
    (British) a small pan or cup (usually of tin).
  2. 走了很長一段路之後,一 冷飲使我恢復了精神.
    A cold drink refreshed me after my long walk.
  3. 我剛剛喝了一奶。牛奶很提神。
    I have just drunk a glass of milk. Milk is very refreshing.
  4. 柴可夫斯基粗心大意地喝了一受污染的水。
    Carelessly Tschaikovsky drank a glass of infected water.
  5. 每日一茶,不會進藥鋪。
    A daily cup of tea or more, keep you out of the drugstore.
  6. 我們都為他的成功乾
    We drank to his success.
  7. 請幫我斟一茶好嗎?
    Please pour me a cup of tea
  8. “給布蘭奇來酒,”我吩咐弗蘭克。
    29"Give Blackie a drink," I said to Frank.
