拼音:bāo wéi英文解釋:
surround; encircle; besiege; circle; compass; envelop; enwrap; siege【計】 encircling
【醫】 encapsulation
四面圍住,使其無法逃跑連夜急行軍,在拂曉前包圍了直羅鎮。—&mdas... >>查看“包圍”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.enwrap 2.hemabout 3.laysiegeto 4.inorb 5.ringin 6.ringabout 7.siege 8.environ 9.encompass 10.seige 11.hemin 12.closein 13.enclosure 14.closeabout 15.rang 16.beset例句:
- 部隊已將該城包圍。Troops have surrounded the town.
- 他們出動軍隊包圍了該城。They have surrounded the town with troops.
- 部隊包圍了這城市好幾個月。The army has laid siege to the city several months.
- 我們已被敵人包圍,必須殺出一條血路。Having been surrounded by the enemy, we must fight our way out.
- 敵軍包圍了該城。Enemy troops had encircled the town.
- 他受到各種誘惑的包圍。He was surrounded by temptations.