拼音:bào luàn英文解釋:
commotion; rebellion; revolt; riot【法】 mobbing and rioting; tumult; violence
(1) ∶武裝騷亂遭暴亂(2) ∶行兇作亂,以武力破壞社會秩序鎮壓暴亂 >>查看“暴亂”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 昨日的暴亂是由一個不知名的政客煽動起來的。Yesterday’s riot broke out at the instigation of an unknown politician.
- 這場暴亂是在某政客的扇動下發生的。The riot broke out at the instigation of a certain politician
- 這場暴亂是在某政客的扇動下發生的。The riot broke out at the instigation of a certain politician.
- 再次徵兵引發了一次大規模的暴亂。The reintroduction of conscription sparked off a major rebellion
- 鎮壓暴亂put down a riot; suppress a riot
- 扇動暴亂instigate a riot; incite a revolt