拼音:bào nù英文解釋:
fury; violent rage【醫】 frenzy; rage; tantrum
(1) 大怒。狂暴的和不受控制的憤怒,常伴有狂罵始皇暴怒(2) ;亦形容水勢凶... >>查看“暴怒”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 狂怒的充滿或特徵為極端憤怒的;暴怒的Full of or characterized by extreme anger; raging.
- 她的暴怒使事情達到危急關頭。Her burst of anger brought matters to a head
- 其實那欺壓者的暴怒在那裡呢?But where is the fury of the oppressor?
- 兒子發瘋一樣給他妹妹打電話,妹妹在電話中簡直暴怒了。Frantic, the son calls his sister, who explodes on the phone.
- 野蠻暴怒不再影響熊的槌擊和掃擊。"Savage Fury" no longer applies to "Maul" or "Swipe".
- 我們沒惹那條暴怒的狗。We let the fierce dog alone .
- 她的暴怒使事情達到危急關頭。Her burst of anger brought matters to a head.
- 箴15:18暴怒的人、挑啟爭端.忍怒的人、止息分爭。A hot-tempered man stirs up strife, But the slow to anger calms a dispute.