拼音:bǎo lěi英文翻譯
fort; fortress; stronghold; tower【法】 ballium
1.bastion 2.intrenchment 3.propugnaculum 4.stronghold 5.tower 6.fortress 7.block-house 8.fieldwork 9.Schloss例句:
- 這堡壘占據控制地位。The fort occupies a commanding position.
- 這次襲擊成功,拿下了堡壘。The attack succeeded, and the fort was taken.
- 堡壘最容易從內部攻破。The easiest way to capture a fortress is from within.
- 這片地區有許多堡壘。There are many fortresses in this area.
- 堡壘往往帶有塔樓。A fortress often has turrets.
- 堡壘中的守軍投降了。The men in the fort capitulated.