字典網>> 漢英字典>> B開頭詞條>>報告的英文翻譯


拼音:bào gào


report; bulletin; information; lecture; speech; account; talk
【計】 report
【醫】 report
【經】 reporting


1.givenoticeto  2.makereport  3.reporting  4.reporton  5.renderanaccountof  6.account  7.makeareport  8.madeareport  9.toreport  10.tell  11.render  12.memoir  13.bulletin  14.dissertation  15.gavenoticeto  16.information  


  1. 報告披露他曾坐過牢。
    The report disclosed that he had served in prison.
  2. 報告毫無真實性。
    There is not a vestige of truth in the report.
  3. 你的精彩報告引出了幾個重要問題
    Your interesting report raises several important queries.
  4. 他正在看一篇關於道路狀況的報告
    He is reading a report of the state of the roads.
  5. 我已寫出報告的梗概,但我必須補充細節
    I've written the skeleton of my report, but I have to fill in the details.
  6. 老師讓我把報告縮短為一頁。
    My teacher asked me to shorten the report to one page.
  7. 你的報告在下星期趕好付印嗎?
    Can you have your report ready for the press by next week?
  8. 願意幫我寫報告嗎?
    Would you help me with the report?


報告的意思 向上級或民眾就某人某事、事件、事態的觀察、調查而作的正式陳述詳細解釋.宣告;告訴。《漢書·王莽傳上》:“雖 文王 卻 虞 芮 何以加?宜報告天下。”《宋書·張永傳》:“ 永 即夜徹圍退軍,不報告諸
