拼音:bào àn英文解釋:
report a case to the security authorities中文解釋:
向公安或司法機關等報告發生的案件 >>查看“報案”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
- 你報案了嗎?Have you report it?
- 我們唯一的辦法就是向警方報案。Our only resort is to inform the police.
- 是的,我的車子被偷了,我需要去報案。Yes, sir. I need to report the theft of my car.
- 警方現已將此案定性為謊報案情的輕罪行為。The case is now being investigated as filing a false report, a misdemeanor
- 警官,我想報案。I want to report a mugging, officer
- 報案、舉報與控告Report A Case, Report And Accusing
- 向警方報案report the case to the police