字典網>> 漢英字典>> B開頭詞條>>報復行為的英文翻譯


拼音:bào fù háng wéi


【法】 vindictive action


1.retaliatoryact  2.actofreprisals  


  1. 最可原諒的一類報復是針對那些沒有法律懲治的罪行而施行的報復,但此時報復者須當心,得讓自己的報復行為也因沒法懲治而逍遙法外,不然報復者的仇敵依然占便宜,因為受傷害的比例是二比一。
    The most tolerable sort of revenge, is for those wrongs which there is no law to remedy; but then let a man take heed, the revenge be such as there is no law to punish; else a man's enemy is still before hand, and it is two for one.
  2. 族間血仇,血系間的復仇由殺戳引起的並通過以牙還牙的報復行為而持續不斷的兩個家族或宗族之間的世仇;血仇
    A feud between two families or clans that arises out of a slaying and is perpetuated by retaliatory acts of revenge; a blood feud.
  3. 族間血仇,血系間的復仇由殺戳引起的並通過以牙還牙的報復行為而持續不斷的兩個家族或宗族之間的世仇;血仇
    acts of revenge; a blood feud
  4. 充滿惡意的報復行為
    a malevolent desire for revenge
  5. 戰時反對敵人的報復行為
    a retaliatory action against an enemy in wartime
