拼音:bǎi kuò英文解釋:
be ostentatious and extravagant中文解釋:
講排場,顯闊氣 >>查看“擺闊”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.cutashine 2.splurge 3.ostentation中英例句:
- 他們的女兒在辦婚事時擺闊。Their daughter was ostentatious on her wedding reception.
- 他們生活奢侈,愛擺闊,我不敢恭維。I don’t like the ostentation of their expensive life-style.
- 梅布爾的朋友們慫恿她花錢擺闊氣。Her friends egged on Mabel to spend money to show off
- 他們的女兒在辦婚事時擺闊。Their daughter was ostentatious on her wedding reception.
- 約翰從來不炫富擺闊氣.John never put on the dog to show off his money.