拼音:bǎi dù英文解釋:
ferry【法】 ferriage
搭來回渡的船渡過河流或其他水域擺渡過河 >>查看“擺渡”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.ferriage 2.ferryage 3.toferryacross中英例句:
- 她離開香港,擺渡來到九龍。She left Hongkong and took the ferry to Kowloon.
- 擺渡費乘坐渡船而徵收的費用The toll charged for a ferry passage.
- 擺渡權為獲取服務費而經營擺渡業的特權或合法權利A franchise or legal right to operate a ferrying service for a fee.
- 渡船用來擺渡乘客、車輛或貨物的小船A boat used to ferry passengers, vehicles, or goods
- 擺渡權為獲取服務費而經營擺渡業的特權或合法權利A franchise or legal right to operate a ferrying service for a fee
- 他們用船把我們擺渡過海灣。They boated us across the bay.
- 她離開香港,擺渡來到九龍。She left Hongkong and took the ferry to Kowloon.