字典網>> 漢英字典>> A開頭詞條>>安慰的英文翻譯


拼音:ān wèi


comfort; console; pacify; consolation; solace; soothe
【法】 consolation; mitigate


1.givecomfortto  2.unruffle  3.pacify  4.placebo  5.soothe  6.solace  7.conciliate  8.relief  9.sympathize  10.spare  11.consolation  12.Dutchcomfort  13.takecomportin  14.seekcomportin  15.mollify  16.salve  


  1. 母親死後,我收到許多安慰信。
    I got many letters of consolation when my mother died.
  2. 能和你在一起對我是件極為安慰的事。
    Your company has been a great consolation to me.
  3. 我聽音樂,以便在煩惱時得到安慰
    I found solace from troubles in listening to music.
  4. 我給了他一點安慰
    I offer a mite of comfort to him.
  5. 他被對手擊敗後,我盡力安慰他。
    I tried to comfort him after he was defeated by his opponent.
  6. 走之前,他向我說了幾句安慰的話。
    He spoke a few words of comfort to me before leaving.
  7. 那位安慰告訴他,他應該有耐心。
    The comforter told him that he should be patient.
  8. 兒子生病時,丈夫給了我極大的安慰
    My husband was a great comfort to me when my son was ill.


安慰的意思 安頓撫慰。用歡娛、希望、保證以及同情心減輕、安撫或鼓勵從回憶中,他總是找得到安慰和力量的。;;鄭文光《火刑》詳細解釋.安頓撫慰。《後漢書·桓帝紀》:“百姓飢窮,流宂道路,至有數十萬戶, 冀州 尤甚。
