拼音:ài guó de英文解釋:
patriotic【法】 patriotic
- 萬歲日本人在進攻時的吶喊或愛國的歡呼;A Japanese battle cry or patriotic cheer.
- 戰爭開始,反對聲浪自然沉寂。此時愛國的美國人——不論他們開戰前的情緒如何——都團結一致支持作戰以及那些出生入死的人。The opening of hostilities naturally silenced much of the opposition, as patriotic Americans—whatever their prewar sentiment—closed ranks behind the war effort and those endangered by it.
- "可我又不在你手下工作,你為什麼偏偏要挑我?" "愛國?/em>拿攔耍鬩言謖舛裊碩嗟摹D闃潰唚潛匭胍形頤塹娜恕?"But I'm not in your Service. Why do you pick on me?" "Patriotic American. Been here for years. We must have our man in Havana, you know."
- 打著愛國的旗號犯下的罪行。Crimes committed under cover of patriotism.