拼音:ài zǐ 英文解釋:
(1).寵愛的兒子。《左傳·宣公二年》:“ 趙盾 請以 括 為公族,曰:‘ 君... >>
查看“愛子”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關對話:
- 他是你的愛子嗎?
Is he your beloved son?
- 他們打算為愛子舉行舞會。
They are going to give a party for their darling son
- 而雪球卻一次次地想把它的愛子救活。
Instead, over and over she kept trying to revive her adored child.
- 夫婦倆共賞世界盃 悼念9·11遇難愛子
Japanese parents to attend match in memory of son
- 我是愛子.比特工程隊,請回答.
T-AI: This is T-AI. Build Team, please come in.
- 15愛子是那不能看見之神的像,是首生的,在一切被造的以先。
15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.