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感恩節英文作文:Transfer love

作者:不詳  (字數:3500字作文)

感恩節英文作文:Transfer love

The rescue team found her, she was dead, is down by the landslide crushed the house through a pile of rubble that the gap can see the death of her position, Shuangxiguizhe, the entire upper body forward Pu Fuzhao , Pulled out his hands to support the body, like some ancient line Guibai ceremony, but the body was deformed by the pressure, some look詭異. Rescue personnel from reaching into the ruins of the gap confirmed she had died, and in calling directed at the ruins of the Jisheng, with Qiaogun Qiaoliaojixia in the bricks on the inside without any response. When people come under a building when the rescue team leader suddenly ran back, while running variable crying over fast. He also came to her body, demanding the woman's body handle Shenjin under explored, he touched the few loudly shouted Some people, children, is still alive. After some efforts, people carefully to clean up the ruins of Dangzhao she opened in her body lying below her child, wrapped in red with a yellow flower was a small yard, about three or four months because the mother body The asylum, he Haofa not injured, hold out, he also quiet sleep, he slept in the face of all the people at the scene was very warm. Accompanied by doctors from untied quilts ready to do inspections, found a cell phone Cypriots in the yard, the doctor saw the unconscious under the screen, found on the screen is an already-written message Dear Baby, if you can live, We must remember that I love you to see the doctor Shenglisibie used to have shed tears at this moment, a cell phone transmission, each message to see the tears of the people.

This pain of lost loved ones, who can bear to, but we need to face: a sad and subdued both eyes, one out of both hands…… not to forget yesterday's shadow, the dark yesterday, yesterday Panic, to forget yesterday's Beiqi yesterday, the pain and mental trauma, the Federation of the shadow of the sun lit up, dawn darkness engulfed the Association, the Federation of peace reunion forget the horror of the Federation of Beiqi eliminated, the Federation of Health to disperse the pain Many of the Federation of love you heal the wounds of the soul.

Baiyun Duo Duo, Duo Duo disappeared Jiao-yan of flowers, memorial sound, the sound lost loved ones and laughing, crying again, to disperse the spring breeze of the past again, tears Yingying, a haggard Shared love Yingying.

The deceased have been passing away, the Health and continue to protest, this was the world, we take too hastily, in the name of life, calls for life to the oneworld affectionate, cherishing life…
搶救人員發現她的時候,她已經死了,是被垮塌下來的房子壓死的,透過那一堆廢墟的的間隙可以看到她死亡的姿勢,雙膝跪著,整個上身向前匍匐著,雙手扶 著地支撐著身體,有些象古人行跪拜禮,只是身體被壓的變形了,看上去有些詭異。救援人員從廢墟的空隙伸手進去確認了她已經死亡,又在衝著廢墟喊了幾聲,用 撬棍在在磚頭上敲了幾下,裡面沒有任何回應。當人群走到下一個建築物的時候,救援隊長忽然往回跑,邊跑變喊“快過來”。他又來到她的屍體前,費力的把手伸 進女人的身子底下摸索,他摸了幾下高聲的喊“有人,有個孩子,還活著”。經過一番努力,人們小心的把擋著她的廢墟清理開,在她的身體下面躺著她的孩子,包 在一個紅色帶黃花的小被子裡,大概有3、4個月大,因為母親身體庇護著,他毫髮未傷,抱出來的時候,他還安靜的睡著,他熟睡的臉讓所有在場的人感到很溫 暖。隨行的醫生過來解開被子準備做些檢查,發現有一部手機塞在被子裡,醫生下意識的看了下手機螢幕,發現螢幕上是一條已經寫好的簡訊“親愛的寶貝,如果你 能活著,一定要記住我愛你”,看慣了生離死別的醫生卻在這一刻落淚了,手機傳遞著,每個看到簡訊的人都落淚了。

失去親人的這種痛,誰能去承受,但我們必須去面對:一雙雙悲傷而呆滯的目光,一雙雙伸出的無助的雙手……去忘掉昨天的陰影,昨天的黑暗,昨天的 驚恐,去忘掉昨天的悲泣,昨天的痛苦和心靈的創傷,陽光總會把陰影照亮,黎明總會把黑暗吞沒,平安總會把驚恐忘記團聚總會把悲泣消除,健康總會把痛苦驅 散,無數的愛心總會把你心靈的創傷撫平。