音標[weist] 讀音漢語翻譯
n. 浪費, 廢物, 損耗, 消耗, 荒地, 垃圾, 地面風化物
a. 廢棄的, 荒蕪的, 多餘的
vt. 浪費, 消耗, 使荒蕪
vi. 浪費, 消耗, 變消瘦
【醫】 垃圾, 廢棄物, 消耗
【經】 浪費; 廢料, 廢物
go to waste
動詞過去式:wasted 過去分詞:wasted 現在分詞:wasting 第三人稱單數:wastes詞意辨析:
waste, garbage, rubbish, litter, debris, junk這些名詞均含“廢物,垃圾”之意。
waste: 普通用詞,概念廣泛,指任何被丟棄的東西。
garbage: 主要指有機廢料,包括廚房的剩菜剩飯或不能再用的食物。也可作引申用。
rubbish: 普通用詞,指任何成堆的、破損的、用過的或無用的東西,尤指棄掉的垃圾堆。也可作引申用。
litter: 是四下亂丟物品的總稱,尤指散落於地,有礙觀瞻的廢物。
debris: 著重指分解、分裂或破壞後剩下的碎片,也指零散的普通廢品。
junk: 指回收的舊汽車或大型機器,也指毫無實用價值,或破爛物體,但不指垃圾。英文解釋:
名詞 waste:
- any materials unused and rejected as worthless or unwanted同義詞:waste material, waste matter, waste product
- useless or profitless activity; using or expending or consuming thoughtlessly or carelessly同義詞:wastefulness, dissipation
- the trait of wasting resources同義詞:thriftlessness, wastefulness
- an uninhabited wilderness that is worthless for cultivation同義詞:barren, wasteland
- (law) reduction in the value of an estate caused by act or neglect同義詞:permissive waste
動詞 waste:
- spend thoughtlessly; throw away同義詞:blow, squander
- use inefficiently or inappropriately
- get rid of
- run off as waste同義詞:run off
- get rid of (someone who may be a threat) by killing同義詞:neutralize, neutralise, liquidate, knock off, do in
- spend extravagantly同義詞:consume, squander, ware
- lose vigor, health, or flesh, as through grief同義詞:pine away, languish
- cause to grow thin or weak同義詞:emaciate, macerate
- devastate or ravage同義詞:lay waste to, devastate, desolate, ravage, scourge
- waste away同義詞:rot
形容詞 waste:
- located in a dismal or remote area; desolate同義詞:desert, godforsaken, wild
- All his efforts were wasted.他的所有努力都白費了。
- It's only a waste of time to speak to her.
v.(動詞)wast.ed,wast.ing,wastes v.tr.(及物動詞)To use, consume, spend, or expend thoughtlessly or carelessly.浪費:不考慮地或不仔細地使用、消費、花費或開銷To cause to lose energy, strength, or vigor; exhaust, tire, or enfeeble:使衰弱:使失去能量、力量或精力;使耗盡精力、疲憊或衰弱:例句:Disease wasted his body.疾病使他身體衰弱
To fail to take advantage of or use for profit; lose:失去:沒有利用或用於謀利;失去:例句:waste an opportunity.錯過機會
To destroy completely.完全破壞Slang To kill; murder.【俚語】 殺死;謀殺v.intr.(不及物動詞)To lose energy, strength, weight, or vigor; become weak or enfeebled:變衰弱:損失能量、力量、重量或精力;變衰弱或變消瘦:例句:wasting away from an illness.因病變虛弱
To pass without being put to use:消逝:未被使用就流走:例句:Time is wasting.光陰飛逝
n.(名詞)The act or an instance of wasting or the condition of being wasted:浪費:浪費的行為或事例或被浪費的狀況:例句:a waste of talent; gone to waste.天賦的浪費;浪費
A place, region, or land that is uninhabited or uncultivated; a desert or wilderness.荒蕪之地:無人居住或未開墾的地方、地區或土地;沙漠或荒地A devastated or destroyed region, town, or building; a ruin.廢墟:遭到毀壞或破壞之地區、市鎮或建築物;廢墟
A useless or worthless byproduct, as from a manufacturing process.廢品:生產過程中等產生的無用或無價值之副產品Something, such as steam, that escapes without being used.廢氣:未被使用而逃逸的東西,如蒸汽Garbage; trash.垃圾;廢物The undigested residue of food eliminated from the body; excrement.殘餘物,排泄物:體內排出的未消化的殘餘食物;糞便adj.(形容詞)Regarded or discarded as worthless or useless:無用的,廢棄的:被認為無價值或無用的或因無價值或無用的而拋棄的:例句:waste trimmings.無用的碎料
Used as a conveyance or container for refuse:傳送廢物的,盛裝廢物的:用作傳送或盛裝廢物的:例句:a waste bin.垃圾箱
Excreted from the body:排泄的:從身體內排泄的:例句:waste matter.排泄物
<習慣用語>waste (one`s) breath
To gain or accomplish nothing by speaking.徒費口舌:費了口舌卻一無所獲習慣用語>來源:Middle English wasten 中古英文 wasten from Old North French waster 源自 古法國北方方言 waster from Latin v3st3re [to make empty] 源自 拉丁語 v3st3re [使空] from v3stus [empty] * see eu- 2源自 v3stus [空的] *參見 eu- 2
<參考辭彙><同義詞>waste,blow,consume,dissipate,fritter,squander同義詞>The central meaning shared by these verbs is .to spend or expend without restraint and often to no avail.: 這些動詞共有的中心意義是.無節制地且常常是無效地花費或花銷.: 例句:wasted her inheritance;揮霍她繼承的遺產;
例句:blew a fortune on a shopping spree;瘋狂購物而浪費錢財;
例句:time and money consumed in litigation;消耗在訴訟中的時間和金錢;
例句:dissipating their energies in pointless argument;在無意義的爭論中消費精力;
例句:frittering away her entire allowance;揮霍掉她的所有津貼;
例句:squandered his literary talent on writing commercials. save 在寫廣告上浪費了他的文學天賦 save
waste: 普通用詞,概念廣泛,指任何被丟棄的東西。
garbage: 主要指有機廢料,包括廚房的剩菜剩飯或不能再用的食物。也可作引申用。
rubbish: 普通用詞,指任何成堆的、破損的、用過的或無用的東西,尤指棄掉的垃圾堆。也可作引申用。
litter: 是四下亂丟物品的總稱,尤指散落於地,有礙觀瞻的廢物。
debris: 著重指分解、分裂或破壞後剩下的碎片,也指零散的普通廢品。
junk: 指回收的舊汽車或大型機器,也指毫無實用價值,或破爛物體,但不指垃圾。
名詞 waste:
- any materials unused and rejected as worthless or unwanted同義詞:waste material, waste matter, waste product
- useless or profitless activity; using or expending or consuming thoughtlessly or carelessly同義詞:wastefulness, dissipation
- the trait of wasting resources同義詞:thriftlessness, wastefulness
- an uninhabited wilderness that is worthless for cultivation同義詞:barren, wasteland
- (law) reduction in the value of an estate caused by act or neglect同義詞:permissive waste
動詞 waste:
- spend thoughtlessly; throw away同義詞:blow, squander
- use inefficiently or inappropriately
- get rid of
- run off as waste同義詞:run off
- get rid of (someone who may be a threat) by killing同義詞:neutralize, neutralise, liquidate, knock off, do in
- spend extravagantly同義詞:consume, squander, ware
- lose vigor, health, or flesh, as through grief同義詞:pine away, languish
- cause to grow thin or weak同義詞:emaciate, macerate
- devastate or ravage同義詞:lay waste to, devastate, desolate, ravage, scourge
- waste away同義詞:rot
形容詞 waste:
- located in a dismal or remote area; desolate同義詞:desert, godforsaken, wild
- All his efforts were wasted.他的所有努力都白費了。
- It's only a waste of time to speak to her.
v.(動詞)wast.ed,wast.ing,wastes v.tr.(及物動詞)To use, consume, spend, or expend thoughtlessly or carelessly.浪費:不考慮地或不仔細地使用、消費、花費或開銷To cause to lose energy, strength, or vigor; exhaust, tire, or enfeeble:使衰弱:使失去能量、力量或精力;使耗盡精力、疲憊或衰弱:例句:Disease wasted his body.疾病使他身體衰弱
To fail to take advantage of or use for profit; lose:失去:沒有利用或用於謀利;失去:例句:waste an opportunity.錯過機會
To destroy completely.完全破壞Slang To kill; murder.【俚語】 殺死;謀殺v.intr.(不及物動詞)To lose energy, strength, weight, or vigor; become weak or enfeebled:變衰弱:損失能量、力量、重量或精力;變衰弱或變消瘦:例句:wasting away from an illness.因病變虛弱
To pass without being put to use:消逝:未被使用就流走:例句:Time is wasting.光陰飛逝
n.(名詞)The act or an instance of wasting or the condition of being wasted:浪費:浪費的行為或事例或被浪費的狀況:例句:a waste of talent; gone to waste.天賦的浪費;浪費
A place, region, or land that is uninhabited or uncultivated; a desert or wilderness.荒蕪之地:無人居住或未開墾的地方、地區或土地;沙漠或荒地A devastated or destroyed region, town, or building; a ruin.廢墟:遭到毀壞或破壞之地區、市鎮或建築物;廢墟
A useless or worthless byproduct, as from a manufacturing process.廢品:生產過程中等產生的無用或無價值之副產品Something, such as steam, that escapes without being used.廢氣:未被使用而逃逸的東西,如蒸汽Garbage; trash.垃圾;廢物The undigested residue of food eliminated from the body; excrement.殘餘物,排泄物:體內排出的未消化的殘餘食物;糞便adj.(形容詞)Regarded or discarded as worthless or useless:無用的,廢棄的:被認為無價值或無用的或因無價值或無用的而拋棄的:例句:waste trimmings.無用的碎料
Used as a conveyance or container for refuse:傳送廢物的,盛裝廢物的:用作傳送或盛裝廢物的:例句:a waste bin.垃圾箱
Excreted from the body:排泄的:從身體內排泄的:例句:waste matter.排泄物
<習慣用語>waste (one`s) breath
To gain or accomplish nothing by speaking.徒費口舌:費了口舌卻一無所獲習慣用語>來源:Middle English wasten 中古英文 wasten from Old North French waster 源自 古法國北方方言 waster from Latin v3st3re [to make empty] 源自 拉丁語 v3st3re [使空] from v3stus [empty] * see eu- 2源自 v3stus [空的] *參見 eu- 2
<參考辭彙><同義詞>waste,blow,consume,dissipate,fritter,squander同義詞>The central meaning shared by these verbs is .to spend or expend without restraint and often to no avail.: 這些動詞共有的中心意義是.無節制地且常常是無效地花費或花銷.: 例句:wasted her inheritance;揮霍她繼承的遺產;
例句:blew a fortune on a shopping spree;瘋狂購物而浪費錢財;
例句:time and money consumed in litigation;消耗在訴訟中的時間和金錢;
例句:dissipating their energies in pointless argument;在無意義的爭論中消費精力;
例句:frittering away her entire allowance;揮霍掉她的所有津貼;
例句:squandered his literary talent on writing commercials. save 在寫廣告上浪費了他的文學天賦 save
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