n. 洗, 洗滌, 沖洗, 洗的衣服, 沖積物, 窪地
vt. 洗, 洗滌, 洗清, 用水沖洗, 流過, 弄濕, 粉刷, 鍍金屬薄層於
vi. 洗滌, 洗澡, 被沖蝕, 漂浮
【醫】 洗劑, 洗液
come out in the wash
wash sth down
wash up
wash one's hands of
動詞過去式:washed 過去分詞:washed 現在分詞:washing 第三人稱單數:washes英文解釋:
名詞 wash:
- a thin coat of water-base paint
- the work of cleansing (usually with soap and water)同義詞:washing, lavation
- the dry bed of an intermittent stream (as at the bottom of a canyon)同義詞:dry wash
- the erosive process of washing away soil or gravel by water (as from a roadway)同義詞:washout
- the flow of air that is driven backwards by an aircraft propeller同義詞:slipstream, airstream, race, backwash
- a watercolor made by applying a series of monochrome washes one over the other同義詞:wash drawing
- garments or white goods that can be cleaned by laundering同義詞:laundry, washing, washables
- any enterprise in which losses and gains cancel out
動詞 wash:
- clean with some chemical process同義詞:rinse
- cleanse (one's body) with soap and water同義詞:lave
- cleanse with a cleaning agent, such as soap, and water同義詞:launder
- move by or as if by water
- be capable of being washed
- admit to testing or proof
- separate dirt or gravel from (precious minerals)
- apply a thin coating of paint, metal, etc., to
- remove by the application of water or other liquid and soap or some other cleaning agent同義詞:wash out, wash off, wash away
- form by erosion
- make moist同義詞:moisten, dampen
- wash or flow against同義詞:lave, lap
- to cleanse (itself or another animal) by licking
- The sea washes the base of the cliffs.海水拍打著懸崖的底部。
- If a garment won't wash, it must be dry-cleaned.用水洗就退色或縮水的衣服得乾洗。
- She has a large wash this week.這星期她有大量衣服要洗。
- I must wash my hands before dinner.吃飯前,我必須洗手。
v.(動詞)washed,wash.ing,wash.es v.tr.(及物動詞)
To cleanse, using water or other liquid, usually with soap, detergent, or bleach, by immersing, dipping, rubbing, or scrubbing:洗,清洗:用水或其他液體使清潔,常採用浸泡、浸漬、搓洗或摩擦等方法,並常伴以肥皂、洗滌劑或漂白劑:例句:wash one`s hands; wash windows.洗手;擦洗窗戶
To soak, rinse out, and remove (dirt or stain) with or as if with water:洗去:用或好象用手浸濕、飄洗並除去(灰塵或污跡):例句:wash grease out of overalls.從工裝服上洗去油膩
To make moist or wet; drench:浸濕:使濕潤或濕透;浸泡:例句:Tears washed the child`s cheeks.眼淚浸濕了小孩的臉頰
To flow over, against, or past:沖刷:衝擊、沖走或衝掉:例句:waves that washed the sandy shores.沖刷著沙灘的波浪
To carry, erode, remove, or destroy by the action of moving water:沖蝕:以流水作用搬運、侵蝕、移走或破壞:例句:Heavy rains washed the topsoil away.大雨把表層土沖蝕掉了
To rid of corruption or guilt; cleanse or purify:清洗:除去腐敗或罪過;滌清或淨化:例句:wash sins away.洗去罪名
To cover or coat with a watery layer of paint or other coloring substance.塗顏料於:用清漆或其它顏料覆蓋或包住Chemistry 【化學】 To purify (a gas) by passing through or over a liquid, as to remove soluble matter.洗滌(氣體):用使(氣體)通過某一液體以除去其中可溶性物質的方法使(氣體)變純To pass a solvent, such as distilled water, through (a precipitate).使溶劑(如蒸鎦水)通過(沉澱物)To separate constituents of (an ore) by immersion in or agitation with water.水浸分離:通過浸入水中或與水反應的辦法分離(礦物)的組成物質To cause to undergo a swirling action:攪動:使經過旋轉的狀態:例句:washed the tea around in the cup.攪動杯里的茶
v.intr.(不及物動詞)To cleanse something in or by means of water or other liquid.洗東西:把某物浸入水或其它液體中或用水或其它液體來使之清潔
To undergo washing without fading or other damage:耐洗:可以經過洗滌而不褶皺或受其它損害:例句:This fabric will wash.這種織物很耐洗
Informal To hold up under examination; be convincing:【非正式用語】 站得住腳:經得起檢驗;能令人信服:例句:.That[proclamation] , of course, will not wash. (John Hughes).那份[宣言] 當然是站不住腳的. (約翰·休斯)
To flow, sweep, or beat with a characteristic lapping sound:拍打:用典型的拍打聲沖走、沖刷或衝擊:例句:Waves washed over the pilings.波浪拍打著岸樁
To be carried away, removed, or drawn by the action of water.衝出:被水流沖走、搬離或淹沒n.(名詞)The act or process of washing or cleansing.洗:洗滌或清潔的動作或過程A quantity of articles washed or intended for washing:被洗物:洗過的或要洗的一定量的衣物:例句:The wash is on the back porch.要洗的衣服放在後門廓里
Waste liquid; swill.廢液:廢棄的液體;餿水Fermented liquid from which liquor is distilled.供蒸餾的已發酵的液體A preparation or product used in washing or coating.洗滌劑,塗料:用於洗滌或塗層的備料或產品A cosmetic or medicinal liquid, such as a mouthwash.洗藥,液體化妝品:化妝用的或藥用的液體,如漱口劑
A thin layer of water color or India ink spread on a drawing.畫上的薄層水彩或墨汁A light tint or hue:淡彩:淡的色彩或色調:例句:.a wash of red sunset.(Thomas Pynchon).一抹斜陽.(托馬斯·平瓊)
A rush or surge of water or waves.水流:水或波濤的洶湧或起伏The sound of this rush or surge.水聲:上述洶湧或起伏的聲音
Removal or erosion of soil by the action of moving water.水蝕:流水引起的水土流失或侵蝕A deposit of recently eroded debris.沖積物:新近的殘骸、瓦礫等的堆積
Low or marshy ground washed by tidal waters.窪地,沼澤:由波浪之水流引起的低地或沼澤地A stretch of shallow water.淺水帶Western U.S. The dry bed of a stream.【美國西部】 乾河床Turbulence in air or water caused by the motion or action of an oar, propeller, jet, or airfoil.渦流:由船槳、推進器、噴氣機或機翼運動引起的空氣或水的渦流Informal An activity, action, or enterprise that yields neither marked gain nor marked loss:【非正式用語】 不賠不賺:既不得到很多利益也不受到很大損失的活動、行為或事業:例句:.[The company] doesn`t do badly. That is, it`s a wash. (Harper`s).[公司] 的經營狀況還不壞。就是說,它既不賠也不賺. (哈珀)
adj.(形容詞)Used for washing.用於洗滌的Being such that washing is possible; washable.可洗的:處於可以被洗滌條件下的;可洗的
<常用詞組>wash down
To clean by washing with water from top to bottom:沖洗:用水從頭到尾清洗:例句:wash down the walls.徹底清洗牆壁
To follow the ingestion of (food, for example) with the ingestion of a liquid:吞下,咽下:吃下(如食物)後再喝某種液體:例句:washed the cake down with coffee.用咖啡把蛋糕衝下肚去
wash out
To remove or be removed by washing.洗掉:用洗滌的方法除去或被除去To cause to fade by laundering:水洗使褪色:例句:color that had been washed out by bleach.因水洗而漸褪的顏色
To carry or wear away or be carried or worn away by the action of moving water:用水流搬走或侵蝕掉:例句:The river rose and washed out the dam. The road has washed out five miles down the mountain.河水陡漲,衝垮了大壩。山下的路被沖壞的有五英里
To deplete or become depleted of vitality:活力耗盡,變得枯竭:例句:By evening, I was washed out from overwork.到了傍晚,我被過多的工作累得精疲力盡
To eliminate or be eliminated as unsatisfactory:刪除:因不滿意而刪除或被刪除:例句:a football player who was washed out; an officer candidate who washed out after one month.被罰下場的足球隊員;一月後被免職的候選官員
To cause (an event) to be rained out.使(某項事件)被取消wash up
To wash one`s hands.洗手Chiefly British To wash dishes after a meal.【多用於英國】 餐後刷盤子To burn out; exhaust:精疲力竭;極其睏乏:例句:She`s all washed up as an editor.她做編輯工作累得精疲力竭
常用詞組><習慣用語>come out in the wash【俚語】
To be revealed eventually:暴露,真相大白:最終被揭露出來:例句:The real reasons for her resignation will come out in the wash.她辭職的真正原因終究會真相大白的
To turn out well in the end:結果很好:例句:Don`t worry: this project will come out in the wash.不要著急:這項工程會有好結果的
wash (one`s) hands of
To refuse to accept responsibility for.拒絕接受某項義務To abandon; renounce.拋棄;放棄習慣用語>來源:Middle English washen 中古英文 washen from Old English wacsan, wôscan * see wed- 源自 古英文 wacsan, wôscan *參見 wed-

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