字典網>> 英漢字典>> V開頭詞條>>venae ileocolica的意思 漢英字典venae ileocolica中文翻譯:【醫】 回結腸靜脈英文字典 英文解釋:名詞 vena ileocolica:a vein that drains the end of the ileum and the appendix and the cecum and the lower part of the ascending colon同義詞:ileocolic vein, vena ileocolica相關詞條:venae ethmoidalis posterior venae ovarica dextra venae petrosa venae anonymae dextra et sinistra venae laryngea inferior venae profundae venae musculophrenicae venae meningeae mediae venae cerebri inferiores venae perforans