字典網>> 英漢字典>> T開頭詞條>>tumbleweed的意思


音標['t?mblwi:d] 讀音


n. 風滾草


名詞 tumbleweed:

  1. any plant that breaks away from its roots in autumn and is driven by the wind as a light rolling mass
  2. prickly bushy Eurasian plant; a troublesome weed in central and western United States
    同義詞:Russian thistle, Russian tumbleweed, Russian cactus, Salsola kali tenuifolia
  3. bushy annual weed of central North America having greenish flowers and winged seeds
    同義詞:winged pigweed, Cycloloma atriplicifolium
  4. bushy plant of western United States
    同義詞:Amaranthus albus, Amaranthus graecizans
