國語字典國語詞典英文字典韓文字典法文字典德文字典日文字典字典網>> 英漢字典>> T開頭詞條>>trade union movement的意思trade union movement 讀音 漢語翻譯【經】 工會運動英文解釋:名詞 trade union movement:an organized attempt by workers to improve their status by united action (particularly via labor unions) or the leaders of this movement同義詞:labor movement, labor猜你喜歡:tinter的漢語翻譯 trypan-red的漢語翻譯 tangential features的漢語翻譯 transformation的漢語翻譯 tenontodynia的漢語翻譯 three-cornered的漢語翻譯 thyreoprivia的漢語翻譯 telephone theory的漢語翻譯 turgidization的漢語翻譯 theorem的漢語翻譯 trapball的漢語翻譯 threshold field的漢語翻譯 tenonitrozole的漢語翻譯 therapeutic abortion的漢語翻譯 tropical chlorosis的漢語翻譯