國語字典國語詞典英文字典韓文字典法文字典德文字典日文字典字典網>> 英漢字典>> T開頭詞條>>trace out的意思trace out 讀音 漢語翻譯描繪出例句:So far, the chairman has only been able to trace out the outline of the plan, without any details.到目前為止,主席只能提出個大體規劃,還不能很具體。The powerhouse was trace out accurately later on a large scale map.後來發電站被精確地描畫在大比例地圖上。猜你喜歡:theobromic acid的漢語翻譯 thermolator的漢語翻譯 treating column的漢語翻譯 torpor peristalticus的漢語翻譯 tin tetrachlotide的漢語翻譯 technically的漢語翻譯 tolimidazole的漢語翻譯 tarsalis的漢語翻譯 take sb. at his words的漢語翻譯 thermolability的漢語翻譯 tenoning machine的漢語翻譯 task-work的漢語翻譯 top liquid level的漢語翻譯 tax consultant的漢語翻譯 turnout的漢語翻譯